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莉莉Solomou ‘27 (Early Childhood and English As A Second Language)

Meet 莉莉Solomou ‘27 (Early Childhood and English As A Second Language). Discover how this student at Roberts Wesleyan University embraces diversity in education.



My calling is working with children and learning about/experiencing other cultures. One of my career goals is to work with children of other cultures and successfully support their adaptation and growth in a new environment. 

I am particularly interested in ESOL because I have always had a high interest in different cultures, 语言, 生活方式, 和国家. I would really love to surround myself with this throughout my career while also making sure to teach and help students of all different backgrounds and experiences.


莉莉和她的狗, Honey, “is my whole world and has taught me to hold a lot of responsibility!”

How has studying at Roberts helped you grow in character?

It’s helped me to become more independent, grow my academic skills, and meet new people of all different backgrounds.

Lily sits looking to the side and poses in front of plants

What is the best thing about studying your major?

I love learning more about different types of children and how they can learn and grow in the academic environment. [I was drawn to Roberts because of the] education program as well as the small campus and welcoming community.

Other educational skills I have learned include differentiation, 包容, 灵活性, and getting past barriers (such as language barriers).


What course (so far) has been your favorite and what do you love most about it?

课程, 指令, and Assessment I taught by Assistant Director of the Teacher Education Program Justin Pretko. I have loved that it has prepared me so much to present in front of students and developed my knowledge in addressing different learners. He’s a great professor!

Kirby查斯克 headshot

Who is your favorite professor and what’s one way they’ve helped you?

Kirby查斯克. He helped introduce me to the college environment in the First Year Seminar class in a positive and inclusive way. He also made it clear that he was there if we had any struggles or needed help.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Put yourself out there! Join sports and clubs and attend events. It may seem tedious, but it pays off big time in the end!

If you could help everyone understand one thing, what would it be and why?

How to be accepting and supportive of all types of people. We are all just people and deserve all the love and support we can get.

What is your favorite quote and why?

“It's your outlook on life that counts. If you take yourself lightly and don't take yourself too seriously, pretty soon you can find the humor in our everyday lives. And sometimes it can be a lifesaver.——贝蒂·怀特

I love this because it is so true, and Betty is such an inspiration to me.


Emily Robinson headshot

“Lily embodies the qualities we hope to see in future teachers. She is kind, conscientious, and shows a strong commitment to her personal and professional growth. It’s been a pleasure getting to know Lily and I look forward to seeing how she continues to develop as an educator.” 

-Emily Robinson, Associate Professor of Education; Director, 本科 Program


“Lily is a kind-hearted and hard-working individual. She is dedicated to the field of education and knows how to positively support students with disabilities in her future classroom. Lily's commitment to helping others is evident in her personality and relationships she creates with students, 教师, 家庭成员, and community members.”

-Katie Heath, Associate Professor of Education; Director, Pathway to Teaching Program


Are you ready to go all in like Lily?

Click here to learn more about our Early Childhood and Special Education 学位或美高梅mgm平台的 English as a Second Language 学位.

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